welcome! people like us living with or supporting someone with mental illness!


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Story: Many things can be done to support people affected by mental illness, but often it is things that should not be done that have the greatest impact of all. Please take the time to learn, understand, and support those impacted by mental illness. Please also support the work of organizations promoting the well-being of our community. Together we're better and stronger.  

Find resources at ForLikeMinds.

Additional Resources*

A2A Alliance | Active Minds Al-Anon | Alcoholics Anonymous | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | Anxiety and Depression Association of America | Bazelon |  Bipolar Perspectives | Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective | Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation | Bring Change 2 Mind | Buddy Project | Center on Addiction | Child Mind Institute | Club House International | Compassionate Friends | Crisis Text Line | Depressed Black Gay Men | Eating Disorders Information Network | Faces and Voices of Recovery | Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance | Fountain House | Gateway to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Information | HeadsUpGuys | Healthy Minds Network | iFred | International Association of Peer Supporters | International Bipolar Foundation | International OCD Foundation IntrusiveThoughts | Jed Foundation | The Kennedy Forum | Letters Against Depression | Live Through This | Man Therapy | Mental Health America | Mental Health Channel | Mental Health First Aid | Mental Health Gov | The Mighty | Military with PTSD | Mood Disorders Support Group | Mood Network | NADD | National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence | National Alliance on Mental Illness | National Alliance on Mental Illness-New York City Metro | National Council for Behavioral Health |The National Eating Disorders Association | National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health | National Institute of Mental Health | National Resource Center for Hispanic Mental Health | National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services | Now Matters Now | Objective Zero | Project Heal | Project UROK | Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association | Project Semicolon | Recovery Library | Rutgers Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation & Counseling Professions | SAMSHA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | Shatterproof | Speaking of Suicide | The Stability Network | Stigma Fighters | Stop Soldier Suicide | Suicide Awareness Voices of Education | Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion | This is My Brave | ThriveNYC | Thunderbird Partnership Foundation | The Treatment Advocacy Center | The Trevor Project Ulifeline | Wounded Warrior Project | and many more.

*Please note, these links are being provided for informational purposes only.