welcome! people like us living with or supporting someone with mental illness!


Regular price $30.00

Description:  Sound Spa Relaxation Sound Machine with 6 Nature Sounds: white noise, thunder, ocean, rain, summer night and brook. 

Story: While I was depressed, I spent most of my time inside – I didn’t want to interact with people. I was certain they could tell I was depressed, and I was embarrassed and ashamed to be seen that way. Going outside would also require effort – presenting myself well and not in my lounge-around clothes. But I missed going outside. I missed the nature sounds the most. They helped quiet the noise in mind. Even better, now I have a home in the country where I can go outside and listen to nature all day. I think getting into nature is one of the most relaxing, yet stimulating, things you can do when you’re depressed.

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