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Description: Prayer to Honor of Saint Dympha - 2"x4" Gold Embossed Italian Holy Card with Prayer.

Story: As is tradition in my Catholic faith, I ask Mary (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) and many saints, especially St. Anthony and St. Dymphna to pray for me. St. Dymphna is the patron saint of mental illness. My mother has also often turned to the Carmelites of the Society of the Little Flower devoted to St. Thérèse to pray for me. I often joke that she should keep them on speed dial for me. I am thankful for the comfort they provide to my mom, and it does comfort me to know that she is praying for me.

Prayer in honor of Saint Dymphna: Lord Jesus Christ, You have willed that Saint Dymphna be invoked by many as the patroness of nervous and mental disease, and have brought it about that her interest in these patients should be an inspiration to and an ideal of charity throughout the world. Through the prayers of this youthful martyr of purity, grant that those who suffer from emotional illness may be helped and consoled. I recommend to You in particular (mention your intention). Be pleased to hear the prayer of Saint Dymphna and of Your Blessed Mother. Give these clients the patience to bear with their affliction and to trust in Your divine will.  Grant them your consolation and healing, according to Your gracious will. Amen.

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